Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Full Animation

My full animation wont load in photobucket for some reason >:(
Yep, stuffed it. Hages thought it was pretty dodgy, but liked my backgrounds. There were lots of good animations made by my class which is awesome! Wish i was one but next time i will! Ive learnt so much from doing this:
* I already knew it wasnt easy, so didnt learn that..
* Time management - dont spend heaps more time on one thing compared to another
* and lots of other stuff im not good at writing about.

Monday, June 11, 2007

My animation

ive almost sorta finished. I havnt made the scenes in order of what they'll show but theyre all pretty much done now (done as in its doing what the story says). i like my story and it woulda worked, but I think i mightve really screwed things up. dammit. quite disappointed with myself coz i spent too much time on the backgrounds and not enough on the other stuff. but i worked all day and night (i did sleep!) for the few weeks til it was due and this is what i made. I regret not getting to more consultations with Hages, but it was difficult because i had tv prod class during his wednnesday one and group meetings for other stuff (Tv prod) which for some reason were always during/around his other consultations which sucked but i didnt want to not go to group meetings coz i'd feel slack so just went at it alone. never again.
But, i really like my turkey. he's cool.

new one

Sunday, June 10, 2007

last one!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Friday, June 8, 2007

Thursday, June 7, 2007

shortest scene in the world..

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not enjoying this.... well i am, but not. i recon ive been trying to make this fox walk almost as long as i did the backgrounds... not working.


Thursday, May 31, 2007


As you can see, ive put up all my backgrounds as theyve been done. but heres the link to where they are anyway

My scenes are going up as theyre completed as well. Number 1 is up!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Since i cant figure out how to post my walk cycle on this, im just gana start with my new animation. My first animatic is a bit too complicated i think, to make anyway, the story itself isnt too bad. But i changed it a bit so the story is a little more simpler and hopefully a lot better to make! Im doing the backgrounds and characters in photoshop, and the animating in flash.
Straight off my forum post: the story is pretty simple: its about a fox who finds a farm and the fence is broken so he gets in and theres turkeys sleeping in a tree and he wants to eat them. so he tries to knock the tree so they fall out and the turkey falls on his head and then runs away into the barn. then the fox chases the turkey in the barn and they wake up all the other birds. the first one runs up a ramp and the fox stacks it so they all gang up on him. then you see the farmers bedroom window and the light turns on coz he got woken up from the noise and he gets his gun and goes out to the barn. all the birds notice him there and fly away and the fox makes a run for it and gets out and goes to the fence while the farmer shoots and misses. then its the next day and a fence fixing truck pulls away and you see the fox looking through at the birds because he cant get in anymore. sorry im not a very good explainer.

the changed/new one:
the starts the same but the fox just tries to get the turkey out of the tree by jumping, then getting a ladder and falling off, then prodding it with a big stick which works. the turkey falls on its head and bolts and the farmer hears and comes out with his gun just in time and its the same end as before with the farmer missing and then the fance gets fixed.